Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Rockin' the Frumpy Sister Missionary Look

Hi Family,

A lot happened this week...

To start off our investigator Andrew is doing really well. We had a powerful lesson with him about the Sacrament and the word of wisdom. He committed to living the word of wisdom at the end of the lesson and has continued to keep his other commitments. However, when Sunday rolled around Satan was working extra hard...While his fellowship was on his way to pick him up for church, Andrew took his car on a test drive that he had been working on for a few weeks. While he was driving the steering wheel was acting up and made him crash! His car got totaled and right when his ride showed up his car was getting towed. It was a blessing Andrew wasn't injured but sadly, he couldn't make it to church. So please keep Andrew in your prayers! 

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. The north half of the mission got together and played volleyball, basketball, and four square for 3 hours. It was pretty awesome when President and Sister Rasmussen came in and President was wearing his tennis shoes with his suit! He was ready to play and dominated in volleyball!! We had a great dinner with the Jarvis family. The food was heavenly and we were stuffed! 

This week we got approval to ride the mission bikes...when the office elders dropped them off one had 2 flat tires and the other had a problem with the chain. Our district leader and his companion fixed them for us - what a miracle! Unfortunately we are owning (not really) the frumpy sister missionary look with reflector vests and helmets! I think were are figuring out how to ride a bikes in  skirts! 

On Sunday we taught Gospel Principles on Eternal Families...we had to chuckle because we are teaching YSAs! I felt the spirit working through us and it ended up being a great lesson! It got me really excited to go to the temple next Saturday - I can't wait. 

Yesterday (the reason p-day is today) we set up for the Maple Valley Nativity! It is a pretty big deal. We set up with the zone from 12-4 and then for FHE we set up from 6-8. I have never set up so many Christmas trees and fluffed garland before. I am really looking forward to it this weekend. We have passed out a ton of invitations and had a lot of good responses. Last year over 700 non-members came! 

I hope you all have a great week! 

Much Love,
Sister Wynder



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